Ultra-Thin Key Fob (Style 3)
Ultra-Thin Key Fob (Style 3)
Two Keys
5% Discount
Five Keys
10% Discount
Ten Keys
15% Discount
Product Highlights
● Ultra Lightweight ● Water Resistant | ● Ultra Thin ● 1-Year Limited Warranty |
This key fob is designed to be as small and lightweight as possible while still using a large antenna. Using PVC plastic this key fob is seamless and designed to be semi-flexible. These features increase the overall durability of the key while maintaining a small and lightweight profile.
Product Information
Key Specifications
Dimensions: 1.2 mm x 52.3 mm x 25.8 mm | Antenna Size: Large |
Weight: 0.12 oz | Water Rating: Water Resistant |
Material: PVC Plastic | Security: Low Security (Class AC) |
Limited Warranty: 1 Year | Key Model: CMK-AC3 |
Key Specifications
Dimensions: 1.2 mm x 52.3 mm x 25.8 mm | Antenna Size: Large |
Weight: 0.12 oz | Water Rating: Water Resistant |
Material: PVC Plastic | Security: Low Security (Class AC) |
Limited Warranty: 1 Year | Key Model: CMK-AC3 |
Key Specifications
- Dimensions: 1.2 mm x 52.3 mm x 25.8 mm
- Weight: 0.12 oz
- Material: PVC Plastic
- Antenna Size: Large
- Water Rating: Water Resistant
- Security: Low Security (Type AC)
- Limited Warranty: 1 Year
- Key Model: CMK-AC3
Product Options
- Lifetime Reprogramming – Key copies will only function properly while the original is active within the access control system. This option is recommended for customers who frequently move or if your landlord rotates keys and issues new ones on a regular basis.
- Lifetime Warranty – All keys include a minimum 1-year limited warranty that covers product and material defects. Our Lifetime Extended Warranty covers defects and accidental damage for the lifetime of the key.
Warranty Restrictions: Customers are required to mail-in broken & non-functioning keys for repair or replacement. If key is broken into multiple pieces all parts must be present at time of warranty claim. Customer is responsible for shipping costs.
Product Options
- Lifetime Reprogramming – Key copies will only function properly while the original is active within the access control system. This option is recommended for customers who frequently move or if your landlord rotates keys and issues new ones on a regular basis.
- Lifetime Warranty – All keys include a minimum 1-year limited warranty that covers product and material defects. Our Lifetime Extended Warranty covers defects and accidental damage for the lifetime of the key.
Warranty Restrictions: Customers are required to mail-in broken & non-functioning keys for repair or replacement. If key is broken into multiple pieces all parts must be present at time of warranty claim. Customer is responsible for shipping costs.
Cloning Service Options
- Mail In Service– This service is primarily used for keys without a visible serial number and also keys with advanced security & encryption.
- Snap N’ Send ™ – Used for keys with a visible serial number. Pre-approval is required to use this service. Not all keys will qualify.
- Re-Order – Use your existing key data from a previously placed order.
Use wizard to determine which services are compatible with your key – START
Cloning Service Options
- Mail In Service– This service is primarily used for keys without a visible serial number and also keys with advanced security & encryption.
- Snap N’ Send ™ – Used for keys with a visible serial number. Pre-approval is required to use this service. Not all keys will qualify.
- Re-Order – Use your existing key data from a previously placed order.
Use wizard to determine which services are compatible with your key – START
Bulk Pricing
1 Key Full Price | 2 Keys 5% Discount | 5-9 Keys 10% Discount | 10-24 Keys 15% Discount | 25-49 Keys 20% Discount | 50+ Keys |
Discount automatically adjusted during checkout process
Bulk Pricing
1 Key Full Price | 2 Keys 5% Discount | 5-9 Keys 10% Discount |
10-24 Keys 15% Discount | 25-49 Keys 20% Discount | 50+ Keys |
Badger Access Control, INC
30 W Mifflin St. Suite 903
Madison, WI 53703 USA
Appointment Required